Fall of The USSR: The Soviet-Afghan War

The soviets deployment in Afghanistan which occurred in 1979 managed to trigger a 10-year long conflict that would ultimately change the world. In this documentary, we learn why this war marked the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. In April 1978, Afghanistan’s President Mohammed Daoud Khan was overthrown and murdered in a coup …

Reporters At War

Reporters At War is an incredible Emmy award-winning, three-part documentary series that examines one of the most dangerous career paths a person can take, that of a war correspondent. Since the 90’s more than 1300 journalists have died in battle zones whilst attempting to deliver the truth to us, many of these were deliberately targeted by their killers. …

GI Junkies: The Forgotten Veterans

Originally released in 1976, GI Junkies: The Forgotten Veterans is a film by Richard Kotuk which examines the crisis that was the return of Vietnam veterans who received no hero’s welcome because of their addiction to drugs. They were also stripped of their educational and medical benefits due this. In the summer of 1971, when the United States …

America’s Military Empire

Beginning in the 1980s a belief has slowly taken over the world, that neoliberal globalisation with its built in self-regulating mechanisms would finally do away with old institutions like the state and the military and would usher the planet into an era of relative peace and prosperity. 9/11 and the current economic crisis have shown that …

The Falklands War: The Untold Story

Released in 1987, just 5 years after the war itself The Falklands War: The Untold Story attempts to unravel the red tape which covered many of the facts behind the conflict. At the time key figures had remained silent, no one had been to Argentina in order to tell their side of the story and for the majority …

Invading Iraq: How Britain & America Got It Wrong

It was a war fought to uncover weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) but it appeared to be known that Saddam Hussein did not have such weapons. The British and Americans had anticipated being welcomed as liberators along with the Iraqi army switching sides and help run the country but there was nobody to receive a …

War Feels Like War

Originally released in 2004, War Feels Like War is a British film which for three months follows five reporters and photographers who managed to circumvent the military media control in order to gain access to a different perspective of the Iraq War. As the world witnessed the Coalition of the willing sweep through Iraq, some journalists in …