Jane Fonda in Five Acts

Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda is many things besides just being an actor, some of which being an activist and fitness tycoon but she has lived a life shrouded in controversy, tragedy and transformation whilst all of this occurring in the public eye. Jane Fonda in Five Acts reveals how Fonda has been hated as Hanoi Jane, lusted …

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds: The Killing of George Floyd

One sweltering evening on the streets of Minneapolis, yet another black man falls victim to police brutality. The killing of George Floyd has sparked outrage not only across America but also across the entire world. It is the latest chapter in the history of racial injustice that is as old as the country itself. With …

The World’s Saddest Dance

The World’s Saddest Dance is a documentary that explore’s the old Bulgarian tradition of Dancing Bears. In this short film I investigate the way’s in which the bears were once treated and the cruelty involved within this form of street entertainment. Whilst on my journey, I also spend some time with one bear owner to understand his ways of life …

GI Junkies: The Forgotten Veterans

Originally released in 1976, GI Junkies: The Forgotten Veterans is a film by Richard Kotuk which examines the crisis that was the return of Vietnam veterans who received no hero’s welcome because of their addiction to drugs. They were also stripped of their educational and medical benefits due this. In the summer of 1971, when the United States …

The Jihadis Next Door

Radical Islam seems to be spreading within the United Kingdom, especially in light of the recent terror attacks seen in Manchester and London. The government however seems to be cracking down, when The Jihadis Next Door was released they had just made supporting ISIS a crime and increasing levels of security nationwide. As control tightens we see filmmaker Jamie …