Access Television Network delivers 24 hours of programming per day for paid programming and public access issues oriented productions
Short-form direct response advertising (:30, :60 and 1:20 second spots) are also available.
Paid Programming segments are typically booked on a weekly or monthly basis, with shows rotated equally through all channels and day parts.
This allows the advertisers the ease of tracking their responses against the month’s total rotation as if it were one telecast.
Other promotional programmers can purchase dedicated time slots to create brand awareness, product image recognition, target marketing and build viewership.
Product placement is also available on our website, to increase the value of your media advertising purchase.
For Long form, Short form and social media advertising, please contact our marketing team.
By packaging and marketing underutilized programming time, we have brought added revenue to cable systems and broadcasters across America.
In addition, we have given advertisers and paid programmers “Access” to local cable markets that were once considered difficult and time-consuming to buy.
Formed by Broadcasting CEO Brian Harrod, Access Television Network is a provider of transactional, direct response and paid programming to cable operators and broadcasters nationwide, as well as, issues oriented public access productions.
Managed by a team of experienced cable industry executives, Access has enjoyed phenomenal growth; we now deliver our programming to multiple Cable Systems serving diverse subscriber households.
Access was initially developed specifically with the cable operator and broadcasters in mind:
- We often utilize blocks of time on a variety of channels, as well as, on a dedicated channel.
- Our program delivery system is state-of-the-art using streams.
- We view our affiliates not as clients, but as partners and can provide monthly revenue guarantees.

Unlike other cable networks, Access Television Network delivers a hidden revenue stream from underutilized program time.
Access Television’s paid programming generates substantial revenue for cable operators from these types of networks:
- Temporary rebuild-related channels reserved for future enhanced cable services
- Default Channels
- Classified Ad Channels
- Local Origination, LA/ PEG, Public Access Channels
- Pay, PPV and Adult Channels
- Off-Air Periods of Broadcast Channels and Cable Networks
- Barker Channels
- Duplicated Signals
- Commercial Leased Access
- Digital Tiers
Access Television Network has made it easy for all paid programmers to reach a national audience while sharing revenue with the cable operators.